Software Stack

The tools I use to make the magic happen. I choose this stack because it is the most popular choices among repos to contribue to.

Development tools

  • Visual Studio Code

    A staple of many development stacks. With plugins such as copilot, it helps speed up my productivity.

  • Hardhat

    Popular framework to setup for my solidity environment. It has great support and is quite popular with many repos.

  • Next.js

    Another staple of production ready Dapps. I started with React but migrated over to Next.js due to new web3 libraries working smoother overall.

  • Tailwind

    My CSS framework of choice. Feels quite intuitive to me.

  • Wagmi

    A set of Web3 compatible hooks to make my code a bit cleaner and handle function calls to the blockchain across compatible EVM chains.

  • Rainbow Kit / Family

    A framework that supports many popular wallets such as Metamask, Wallet Connect and Coinbase wallet by default.


  • Figma

    A great tool for collaborations, creating a flow chart or seeing the design flow of a website.

  • Canva

    Great tool for designs and sparking ideas.


  • Notion

    Great birds eye view for overall progress of a project or DAO interactions. Good for developer sprints.

  • Google Sheets

    How I manage equations for distributions, payment tracking, accounting and overal ideas

  • Asana

    Asign specific tasks for projects when overseeing as a project manager

  • Discord

    Used as central form of communication for many contributers, handy bots and tools available.